Friday Find: Bolero Flash Mob

Most people know what a Flash Mob is by now. It has become a bit of a culture in and of itself. You can find many musical flashmob videos online, most of them resemble something out of the hit series glee. Some have coordinated dance numbers, and some play like a form of advanced avante garde theater.

The Copenhagen Philharmonic decided they would try their own flash mob using Ravel’s Bolero. You have to admit it is the perfect choice as more and more instruments just seem to “show up” to the party.

I think my favorite part might be the very ending when the orchestra just melts back into the crowd without offering any explanation for what just happened. I can’t think of a better way to expose a random audience to a masterpiece in a way that they will never forget.

Think you know a video that would make a great Friday Find? Email us at!

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